Brian Kallie | Web Developer

Projects and other works

Here are some of the projects that I have worked on over time. Some are complete, some are works-in-progress, and some are planned and yet to come! Check back from time to time. I might have a large project on the horizon...

Current Projects

Projects in this group are undergoing further development from their original forms.


Blog42 is my first custom blog built entirely from scratch. The goal of this project was to build a website where users could register and login in order to create/edit/delete posts on a public blog. This required server side scripting and a backend to work. It is one of my more complex projects to date, and I have plans to add onto it and improve its functionality in the near future.

What I used: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

GitHub Repository:

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Holiday Dates
Holiday Dates

Holiday Dates is a project of mine that focuses mainly on good practices in website design, the DOM, and attention to detail. The main goal of this project was to focus on good web design practices and use a grid based layout to build the pages. I am still working to improve this project mainly due to the complexity in maintaining the subpages and design of the overall site.

What I used: Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery

GitHub Repository:

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Past Projects

Projects in this group are complete or archived and are no longer being actively maintained or developed.

HTML5 University
HTML5 University

HTML5 University was my first big project in Web Development. The goal was to create a website with a minimum of 8 pages that would be responsive to different devices. This was the first instance I had with using Media Queries in CSS.

What I used: HTML, CSS

GitHub Repository:

Live Preview:

Web Reviews
Web Reviews

Almost every developer will pick up a CMS once in their life. WordPress was my first dive into the world of CMS's and this project was the result of building a custom theme for a WordPress blog. While it sounds simple enough at first, WordPress is not to be taken lightly, as it is very powerful AND very complex when dealing with custom themes.

What I used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Wordpress

GitHub Repository:

Henry's Bookstore
Henry's Bookstore

Henry's Bookstore was my first project created in the ASP.NET framework. It was also the first experience I had with MVC architecture. The goal of this project was to create a web lookup application for a fictitious bookstore that could not only retrieve the store's inventory from a database, but also display the inventory by author, publisher, and store branch.

What I used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, JSON, ASP.NET, MVC 5, Microsoft SQL Server, TSQL

GitHub Repository:


Projects in this section are either planned for the future or are purely experimental and usually are done for the fun of it.

Currently no projects are ready to be shown here. Check back often!